ATE Suspended Effective December 3, 2024
Photo Enforcement
The Town of Edson is committed to public safety. One of the areas of focus is traffic safety. Excessive speed creates a dangerous environment and photo enforcement is another tool which is used to reduce speeding in areas of concern.
Edson is unique as we have residential, commercial and industrial zones along the highway with no service roads. As such, it's extremely important to monitor and enforce speeds on the highway, as well as in school zones and other problem areas.
Questions on the program can be directed to our Protective Services Department at 780-723-3178.
Photo Enforcement Locations Map
2023 Statistics

The Town of Edson monitors the photo enforcement program throughout the year. One thing monitored is the number of tickets issued to residents of Edson vs non-residents. In 2023 the percentage split was 9% residents and 94% non-residents. This is down from an 18/82 split the previous year.

Revenue from the photo enforcement program returned to average following a significant decline in 2019. A decrease in enforcement hours, changes in the split for revenues, and other factors saw Town revenues drop to just over $165,000 in 2019. 2023 saw a net of approximately $300,000. This is the Town's share of the ticket revenue after the Provincial and contractor share is removed.

Speed indicator signs are placed at key locations throughout the Town of Edson. While these don't generate tickets, it provides the driver with a flashing warning light and records speed data at each location.
As you can see in this chart for 2023, there is a disturbing number of extreme speed violations at each of these locations. Some as high as 160 km/h in 50 km/h residential and school zones.
These numbers help us set future photo enforcement sites, as well as inform the RCMP on key locations for patrols and enforcement.

Here you can see the average number of photo enforcement tickets issued per hour throughout 2022. We will update this with 2023 stats once they are received.

This chart shows the locations where the highest number of violations were occuring on a monthly basis in 2022. We will update this with 2023 stats once they are received. Despite speed indicator signs being placed at these locations during certain months, the top violation locations continue to be:
- the Highway 16 overpass on the east end of Edson,
- other highway locations.
For more specific location information, please see the map above.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Photo Enforcement
Photo enforcement is used in areas that have been deemed as high collision locations, high speed corridors, school and playground zones, constructions zones, or others based on citizen concerns. All sites are selected pursuant to the guidelines set out by the Province of Alberta.
Photo enforcement is also used to enforce speeding violations in locations where it is unsafe for police officers to conduct manual enforcement, as well as in areas where the safety of pedestrians or other drivers might be compromised by a manned traffic stop.
There are a number of considerations when selecting these enforcement locations.
- High Risk Locations - Where the safety of citizens or police officers would be a risk through conventional enforcement methods
- High Frequency Locations - Where motorists are ignoring or breaking traffic laws on an on-going basis
- High Collision Locations - Where there is a greater frequency of property damage, injury or fatal collisions
- High Pedestrian Volume Locations - Where there is a high volume of pedestrian traffic
Every year the selected locations are audited by the province to ensure guidelines are being met and proper signage is in place.
What are the provincial regulations for photo radar?
The Provincial government has been working with municipalities and police services to adjust rules and regulations for photo enforcement. More information on the review, as well as current guidelines can be found at
New photo radar guidelines were announced in February 2019
Where can I pay for the ticket?
Tickets can be paid through the Provincial Court or by following the directions on the notice.
I don’t agree with my ticket. Who can I contact to discuss?
Once a ticket is issued to the registered owner it becomes a Provincial Court matter. Options are listed on the notice/ticket.
Where do the photo enforcement revenues go?
Ticket revenue is split between the Province, Municipality and the enforcement operator. As well, a 15% charge is added for the Victims of Crime fund. 40% of each ticket goes to the Province. The remainder is split between the operator (50% plus hourly rate) and the Town of Edson. The operator is financially responsible for all equipment, manpower, servicing, etc. Edson’s portion of revenue goes directly to funding policing in the community, as well as a reserve for public safety initiatives.