Approved Capital Projects and Funding Details
Our municipality is dedicated to enhancing infrastructure and improving the quality of life for all residents. These initiatives are backed by thorough planning and funding to ensure long-term success and community benefit.
For more details on approved capital projects and funding, see our full budget details at
Upcoming Projects for 2025

The project will include rebuilding 5 diamonds at the northeast end of Vision Park, which includes:
- Landscaping to improve drainage in the lower areas of Vision Park.
- Construction of two 300-foot diamonds suitable for Slo-Pitch and Baseball.
- Rebuilding of three diamonds to level the landscape, improve drainage, and upgrade fencing.
Once this work is complete, Vision Park will have 16 operational diamonds, which more than accommodates the needs of Edson Mixed Slo-Pitch and Edson Minor Ball. A park of this size will also attract ball tournaments to the community.
Budget - $1,922,240
September 19, 2024 Update
On September 3, 2024, Council supported allocating additional funds from the Vision Park Reserve to complete Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Vision Park Project. After a September 11, 2024 Meeting with the representatives from Minor Baseball and Slo-Pitch Associations (User Groups) the next steps are as follows:
- Survey and Stake the 5 - Phase 2 Diamonds built last year(identified in green in the above plan) to confirm dimensions prior to fencing and dugout installations.
- Post a Tender to complete the fencing and dugouts for the 5 Phase 2 Diamonds. Hope to have this work completed this fall.
- Set up a meeting with User Groups, the Town and our Design Consultant to explore options for the U13 and U18 Baseball diamonds (Phase 3) to be located in a more central park location. The construction for this Phase will not occur until a suitable plan is agreed upon by the Town and the User Groups. This will likely be a 2025 construction project.
In 2019 Trans Mountain Pipeline started work installing their new pipeline directly through Vision Park.
Eight of our softball diamonds at Vision Park were either fully or partially located on the Trans Mountain right of away. The work done by Trans Mountain Pipeline resulted in the removal of the playground, 72 full-grown spruce and poplar trees, six ball diamonds, and partially impacted two other diamonds.
Trans Mountain must return all sites on their right of way to their original condition after the excavation and construction, however, Trans Mountain and the Town of Edson jointly identified that it might be in the Town’s best interest to rebuild the affected ball diamonds and other structures rather than Trans Mountain. The Town of Edson rebuilding the diamonds (with financial contributions from Trans Mountain) would ensure the Town of Edson could rebuild them in alignment with the new Vision Park Revitalization Plan.
The Town of Edson Parks Department worked with EDS Group to build a revitalization plan for Vision Park in June 2020. A draft plan was presented to Council on October 27, 2020. The plan included a phased approach, with phase one being rebuilding the diamonds removed by Trans Mountain. Unfortunately, tenders came in far over budget and the plan was scaled back in consultation with user groups.

8th Avenue currently exhibits significant heaving, bumps, and dips throughout the entire roadway. This project involves a full roadway rehabilitation from property line to property line.
Key items to be addressed during construction include, but are not limited to:
- Water line replacement including all services and connections
- Sanitary line replacement including all services and connections and manholes
- Storm sewer replacement including all manholes and catch basins
- Concrete sidewalks, curbs and gutters
- Driveway & Sidewalk tie-ins
- Asphalt surfacing
- Boulevard Landscaping and drainage
This comprehensive rehabilitation will address existing issues, enhance infrastructure reliability, and improve roadway safety and usability for residents.

The Town of Edson plans to extend the existing Multi-Use Trail east from the Edson Health Care Center (6 Avenue) and connect it to the existing infrastructure on Gomuwka Drive near Vision Park. The new 0.6 km pathway will be designed to allow for future incorporation into the construction of a proposed roadway, ensuring long-term alignment with infrastructure development plans. The project will be partially funded through a FRIAA grant obtained by Weyerhaeuser, with an estimated contribution of approximately $126,000. This extension will enhance connectivity, improve accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists, and support the development of a safe and integrated trail network in the community.

This project is part of the Town of Edson's ongoing efforts to address inflow and infiltration issues, improve sanitary system reliability, and reduce the risk of flooding. Additionally, it will accommodate increased discharge flow from the new Yellowhead County Edson (YCE) Multiplex.
The Town has identified the need for sanitary main upgrades at two key locations:
- 52nd Street to 55th Street
- 48th Street between 1st Avenue and 6th Avenue
These areas were flagged due to significant inflow and infiltration issues and to support increased discharge flow from the YCE Multiplex at 10th Avenue and 48th Street. Both locations were identified as high-priority upgrades in the condition assessment report, based on a hydraulic model prepared by an engineering firm retained by the Town.
This project will enhance existing infrastructure, improve system capacity, and reduce the risk of sanitary flooding and backups during heavy rain events.

The Town of Edson has identified the need to construct a new gravel road (TWP Road 532) connecting 54th Street and 63rd Street to provide a second access point to 54th Street from the west side. Currently, businesses and the municipal landfill south of the railway tracks rely on a single access route, creating challenges with traffic congestion, emergency egress, and public safety.
The new road will address these concerns while accommodating increasing traffic demands driven by industrial growth in the area. Tree removal within the existing road right of way and preliminary geotechnical surveying were completed in early 2024.
Design will be completed in the summer of 2025 but due to the area’s severe wet conditions, construction is scheduled to begin in the late winter months of 2025 and extend into 2026, when frozen ground will allow conventional construction equipment to operate more effectively. This project will enhance access, improve traffic flow, and support the safety and ongoing development of businesses, the municipal landfill, and the surrounding community.

Project includes upgrades on Wase Creek on 1st avenue between Highway 16 overpass and 48th Street to mitigate flooding and drainage issues.
Budget - 90% grant funded. More details to come.
Timeline - Design activities are started and a land agent is currently working on the file to secure rights of access for geotechnical investigations and future work plans.
Long Term Projects
The Town of Edson and Yellowhead County are embarking on a historic joint project.
Following many years of public input and facility studies, our communities have come together to start work on a new Multi-Use Recreational Facility.
A joint initiative between the Town of Edson and Yellowhead County is one step closer to becoming a regional staple, with schematic designs for the YCE Multiplex officially approved.
With the innovative design given the thumbs-up, a four-phase construction plan is in the books and work is ready to begin this summer, including project site planning and utility upgrades to accommodate the new build.
More details can be found at