Arts on Fire 2025 Nominations

The deadline for nominations is Friday, September 26, 2025
Please note:
Please feel free to submit nominations anytime between now and the deadline.
-explain why this nominee should be considered for the award (address the award criteria in your nomination)
-all nominees must submit a biography up to 250 words in length
-where possible, illustrate the nomination with support materials such as CDs, DVDs, photographs on a flash drive, letters of reference, press clippings, website links (copies-not originals)-TO A MAXIMUM OF 5 ITEMS
-drop off the nomination form, explanation biography, and support materials to Community Services at the Town of Edson Office OR email to If you apply online, the application will reach Diana automatically.
Note to Nominators
Nominators must complete the nomination form, notify the nominee, and provide support materials. The nominator must not be a family member or co-habiting partner. When the nominee is an organization, the nominator cannot be a board member or staff person of the organization. Nominators can submit a maximum of TWO nominations per category. Please do not nominate on someone else’s behalf.
Previous Arts on Fire winners are not eligible for nomination.
Arts on Fire jury or committee members may not submit nominations if they are currently serving on the jury or selection committee.
2025 Online Arts on Fire Nomination Form
2025 Printable Arts on Fire Nomination Form
For more information on nominating, please contact Diana at 780-723-8107 (cell) or 780-725-0582 (office).
Arts on Fire Gala

Edson and Area Arts Awards-Arts on Fire 2021

The Town of Edson and Edson & District Historical Society celebrated the Arts virtually at the 9th annual Edson and Area Arts Awards, Arts on Fire. Edmonton Bow-tie Rock singer-songwriter, Von Bieker performed his original works as well as a special song he wrote for Arts On Fire, Dave (Von Bieker) graciously directed/stage managed the virtual broadcast, Robyne Wilock emceed, and Lana Kirtley was our official photographer for all the winners. Click here to watch the link to the awards broadcast.
Our nominees were: Spencer Richard, Michael Lambregts, Vanier Choir, Caleb Tanner, Cody Van Beek, Jenna Biehler, Amy Weslowsky, ACES, Julian Buchwald, and Gregg and Debra Halterman. Congratulations to all of you on your well-deserved recognition and thank you for your contributions to Arts and Culture in our community.
Our winners were: Spencer Richard (Artist for the Arts), Vanier Choir (Cultural Pillar), Cody Van Beek (Young Artist in the Community - Performing Arts), Jenna Biehler (Young Artist in the Community - Visual Arts), ACES (Arts Champion)
Congratulations to past winners:
2012-Mackenzie Brown, Matricia Brown, Barb Mergaert, and Doug Woodhouse
2013-Cassandra Freeborn, Shirley Lueck, Rory MacDonald, and the Rotary Club of Edson
2014-Jairus Davi-Digui, Ryan Halterman, Frieda Maynard, Greg Templeton, Tracy Templeton, Robyne Wilock
2015-Sonja Boyce, Chautauqua Edson Arts Council, Shari McDowell, Ella and Berg Felsing
2016-Madison Sharman, Peter Taylor, Brianne Benson, Mackenzie Eidt, Tamara Everett, Edson Cultural Heritage Organization, Edson and District Historical Society
2017-Annette McGill, Emma Laurin, Jerry Berthelette, Quinn Larder
2018- Lara Felsing, Helen Payette, Ava Simmons, Diana Inscho
2019-Tyler Babiuk, Morgan Steffler, Edson Recreational Dance, Sandra Fedorak
2020 - opted out
2021 - Spencer Richard, Cody Van Beek, Jenna Biehler, Arts Centre for Edson Society, Vanier Choir