Project Overview
The Town of Edson’s population has been relatively stable throughout the last five years, with the 2021 census data showing a population of close to 8,400 residents. The majority of Edson residents live in residential neighbourhoods made up of predominantly single-detached homes; however, there is an increasing need for alternative housing types, for both renters and owners, at different affordability levels to better meet the diverse and changing needs of current and future residents. Providing a mixture of housing types and tenures of varying levels of affordability is essential for creating a diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
What is a Housing Strategy?
There are two parts to the Housing Strategy. The first part involved completing a Housing Needs Assessment to better understand the current housing situation in Edson (completed in the fall of 2024). The Housing Needs Assessment includes:
- Community demographics
- Current housing supply and demand
- Condition of existing homes
- Rental vacancy rates
- Affordability
- Gaps that exist in the housing market
- Projected future housing needs
Current and future housing needs, gaps, and future priorities were explored across the full housing continuum, which represents a range of housing options that can be available in a community. A visual of this continuum is shown below.

The second part (current phase of engagement) is the development of the Housing Strategy itself, which provides a roadmap to help the Town and community partners create and maintain an affordable, safe, and suitable supply of housing. The Housing Strategy will:
- Present housing gaps and barriers and define the key housing challenges in Edson;
- Introduce policies, objectives, and actions to address Edson’s housing needs;
- Explore opportunities for partnerships and confirm specific roles of key organizations and agencies; and
- Recommend an implementation plan that prioritizes recommended actions and includes performance indicators to measure success.
Both parts of the project involve engagement with the local community and interested and affected organizations.
Project Timeline

We Want to Hear From You!
We are currently in Phase 2: Developing Housing Actions
The feedback we received in the first phase of engagement, along with a review of background information, and demographic, economic, and housing data, was used to develop the draft goals and actions of the Housing Strategy.
We want to hear from you to confirm that we captured your feedback accurately, identify anything we missed, and gather your input on the proposed goals and actions that have been developed based on your feedback and the demographic and community data.
Tell us what you think!
Provide your feedback on the draft Housing Strategy by participating in the engagement opportunities between March 10 to March 31, 2025.
Starting March 10, click HERE to complete the survey or contact Morgan Roberts at or 780-723-4401 to request a printed copy.
Join us at the upcoming in-person community event to learn more about the project and share your thoughts.
Community Workshop (Drop-In)
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Edson & District Public Library Presented by Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.
4726 - 8 Avenue
3:30 - 6:30 pm
Following this round of engagement, your feedback will be used to help us finalize the Housing Strategy and Implementation Plan, which will include timelines, priorities, and community leads and partners required to successfully implement the Housing Strategy.
A Glossary of Terms has been prepared to describe housing policy terms you may not be familiar with. It can be viewed here.
For more information about the project, contact:
Morgan Roberts
Economic Development Officer
Phone: (780) 723-4401