Planning Bylaws

Land Use Bylaw

The Land Use Bylaw is the regulatory document that implements the policy direction set forth in a municipality's Municipal Development Plan. It is the document which regulates and controls the use and development of land and buildings in the community. Based on the planning hierarchy, the municipality divides into specific districts that dictate what uses are permitted and/or discretionary, contains details on how to make applications for development permits; how and by whom decisions on applications are made; and the conditions that can be attached. The Land Use Bylaw also contains regulations regarding setbacks, landscaping, parking, building heights, and signage to name a few.

The Town of Edson’s Land Use bylaw (LUB) was passed on June 4, 2024, please click the following link to the latest revision of the Land Use Bylaw No. 2296.

The Land Use District/Zone Map, are maps that breaks up the Town into sections of various maps of the Town. These maps provide an opportunity to easily navigate your property to find the land use zone that your land/ lot is located in.


Redistricting/ rezoning refers to changing the district that applies to a property or parcel of land under the Land Use Bylaw No. 2296.

The land use districting of a property specifies the:

  • purpose of the land
  • permitted and discretionary uses of the land
  • general regulations (e.g., development setbacks, parcel size, building allowances and other special considerations)

You may want to redistrict your land if you want to:

  • develop your land in a way that is not allowed under your current district
  • subdivide your land into parcels used for a different purpose

Alberta's Municipal Government Act requires municipalities to have a Land Use Bylaw. The bylaw specifies the uses and activities permitted on specific lands. The Use of a parcel of land may change over time. Landowners who wish to pursue activities on their land that are not permitted under current districting must apply for land use redistricting before subdividing or further developing their land.


Please click here to access the Land Use Bylaw Amendment Process brochure.

Application Submission Upon receiving a completed application, the Planning Department will circulate, evaluate, and make a recommendation regarding your proposal.
Circulation of the Application

Redistricting applications are circulated to required government departments, adjacent landowners, and local authorities for their review and comments.

Recommendation and Decision

Following review, Administration will present the application for First Reading to Council. Following First Reading, a public hearing will be held to give the applicant and the public the opportunity to provide comments on the application. Second and third reading are held after the public, often on the same day. The application is deemed approved by Council after the third reading.

Make an Application

To make a Land Use Bylaw Amendment or Redistricting Application, please complete the Statutory Plan and Land Use Bylaw Amendment Application




Click on the link above to bring you to the Land Use District Map, also known as the Land Use Atlas Map. This type of map breaks up the Town of Edson into sections of various maps of Town. This type of map allows you to easily navigate to your property to find what land use zone your land lot is located in. 

Offsite Levy Bylaw

The Town of Edson has adopted levies to pay for all or part of the infrastructure required in respect of lands to be subdivided or developed (i.e. roads, water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater). This document outlines the processes that the Town of Edson has adopted to guide when to assess levies to developers, when levy amounts are payable, when and how front-end infrastructure construction will be assigned to developers, and when and how developers front-end construction will be reimbursed.

Addressing Bylaw

The Town of Edson's Planning department assigns addresses for all properties in the Town. The Addressing Bylaw No. 2274 regulates addressing in the Town of Edson. 

Any information you may have can be useful such as:

  • Legal land description (i.e., SW 16-57-21-W5 or Lot, Block, Plan)
  • Tax roll number

Once the street names are approved by Council, house numbers are assigned to each lot. The street numbers consecutively from East to West and the numbering of avenues must be consecutive from South to North with the avenue immediately north of the C.N. Railway being First Avenue, the next avenue north being Second Avenue, and so forth.

In the Town of Edson, where it is possible, even numbers are located on the west of any street and the North of any avenue and odd numbers are located on the East of any street and South of any avenue.