The Town of Edson is the provider of Water and Sewer services for the community.
Edson uses a well system and we are constantly exploring new sites to ensure our supply of fresh water is maintained and that the water collected is of the highest quality.
Water Risk Levels

Help us keep reservoir levels up through dry spells this summer by conserving water where you can.
Why do we ask you to conserve water?
The Town of Edson relies on multiple water wells to supply our residents and commercial users with potable water. During long dry periods the water usage per person goes up and the wells can’t always keep up with production. Many factors can play into this, including our regulatory requirements, equipment availability, and how our users (businesses and residents) are using the water.
We need to keep a safe level in our reservoirs to ensure we have adequate water for fire or other emergencies. The Town of Edson is continually looking for ways to increase our water supply and treatment capabilities. Please see the attached chart that reflects measures that will be taken depending on reservoir levels throughout the year.
If we all work together to conserve water, there will be a better chance that amenities will remain open for everyone to enjoy.