**NEW** Electronic Tax Notice
Sign up for Electronic Tax notices with the Email Authorization Form or call 780-723-4401 for more information.
How Taxes are Collected
The Town of Edson issues an annual combined tax and assessment notice to all property owners during the month of May each year. This notice contains the levy for municipal tax as well as the school tax levy which is collected on behalf of the Province.
2024 Mill Rates
The 2024 final budget was passed in April and uses a 2.89% tax increase. For full details visit www.edson.ca/budget.
With the taxation set, Council has also given three readings to the 2024 Mill Rate Bylaw. The Town of Edson’s overall taxable assessment has changed by $25.8 million. This is used to generate the taxation revenue and is what drives the mill rate calculations for Municipal taxes, School, and Evergreens Requisitions. The mill rate refers to the amount of tax payable per $1000 of a property’s assessed value.
2024 Residential Mill rates:
Municipal mill rate – 6.8437 mills (2023 mill rate – 6.7376 mills)
Evergreens Foundation mill rate – 0.5296 mills (2023 mill rate – 0. 5625 mills)
School mill rate - 2.5385 mills (2023 mill rate – 2.5826 mills)
2024 Total Combined mill rate – 9.9118 mills (2023 mill rate – 9.8827 mills)
2024 Non-residential Mill rates:
Municipal mill rate – 15.7792 mills (2023 mill rate – 15.8317 mills)
Evergreens Foundation mill rate – 0.5296 mills (2023 mill rate – 0.5625 mills)
School mill rate - 3.7360 mills (2023 mill rate – 3.6881 mills)
2023 Total Combined mill rate – 20.0448 mills (2023 mill rate – 20.0823 mills)
In addition, the Mill Rate Bylaw also reflects the Ministerial Order sent by the Province to address the Designated Industrial Properties Requisition. For 2024, the mill rate provided by the Province for the Town of Edson is set at 0.0765.
Payments and Penalties
Taxes due upon issue
Penalty on Current Taxes:
July 15 - 7%
- September 15 - 9%
Penalty on Tax Arrears:
January 15 - 8%
- March 15 - 4%
Payment Options: A monthly pre-authorized payment plan by automatic bank withdrawals is available for your convenience. The monthly plan runs from January to December each year. Contact the Finance Department to sign up.
Payments may be made at the Civic Centre, through internet banking, at your financial institution, or through the mail.
If you have appealed your current year property assessment, payment in full is still required to avoid penalty. In the event that your appeal is successful an adjustment will be made and a refund will be issued to you.
Late Payment Penalty: Any outstanding balance on your tax account after each penalty deadline is subject to a 7% penalty.
New Title Holders: Due to ongoing delays with Alberta Land Titles document registration processing times, recent ownership and mailing address changes may not be reflected on municipal property tax notices. The TOE will be mailing the 2025 Combined Assessment and Tax Notices in May. If you have purchased a property in the TOE in the last 4 months and have not received your tax notice, please contact TOE office.
Assessment Practices
Market value assessment has been recognized around the world since the 1970s. It is considered to be the most fair and transparent manner to distribute property taxes.
The market value of residential properties is calculated through a method known as mass appraisal.
Your property assessment notice indicates the Town’s estimate of your property’s market value—the amount it would have sold for in the open market—on July 1 of the previous year. And, it is adjusted for any changes in physical condition recorded by December 31. Provincial legislation establishes these dates and requires that property assessed values be estimated every year.
To ensure assessed values are fair and accurate, they are reviewed at three levels:
- Edson’s internal checks and balances,
- The Alberta government's annual assessment audit process and
- Individual property owners’ review of their notice.
Those with concerns regarding assessment are encouraged to contact the Town’s assessor first. If still unsatisfied, please contact the Town Office for details on the appeal process.
Market Value
Factors that affect residential market value may include
- Location
- greenspaces
- community services
- commercial properties
- multi-family properties
- waterways
- schools
- trains
- transmission lines
- communications towers
- fire hydrants
- Land Use (zoning)
- Size of home/lot
- Other influences (restrictions, environmental concerns, access, servicing, etc)
- Total finished living area
- Quality of structure
- Age of structure
- Modernization level
- Building type (i.e. duplex, etc.)
- Unit type in condominiums (i.e. townhouse, apartment, basement unit, end unit, penthouse unit, etc.)
- Garage type and size
Assessment Appeals
If you are not satisfied with the assessment after speaking with the Town’s assessor (aaron.steblyk@compassassessment.com), you may file a written complaint with the Assessment Review Board. An assessment complaint must be filed using the Government of Alberta’s “Assessment Review Board Complaint Form,” available at the Town Office (605 50 St) or online at http://www.municipalaffairs.alberta.ca/documents/as/LGS1402.pdf.
A complaint must be submitted with the appropriate Assessment Appeal Fee as follows:
- Residential - $25 per Tax Roll
- Non-Residential - $150 per Tax Roll
A separate appeal must be made for each parcel of land (ie Tax Account). The fee will be refunded if the Board rules in favour of the complainant.
Please submit assessment appeals to:
Assessment Review Board
c/o Assessment Review Board Clerk
Town of Edson
Box 6300
Edson, AB T7E 1T7
Please Note
Your complaint must be made on or before the end of regular business hours on the final date of complaint as shown on the front of your Property Tax and Assessment Notice.
A complaint against your assessed property value does not exempt you from paying taxes on time or, from late payment penalties. If a complaint is successful, the adjustment will be applied to the tax roll. Refund requests must be made in writing.
Designated Industrial Property Assessment
An Assessment Review Board has no jurisdiction to deal with complaints about assessments for designated industrial property. The Municipal Government Board has jurisdiction to hear complaints about assessments for designated industrial property. Complaints on designated industrial property assessments must be submitted to the Municipal Government Board by the deadline shown on the designated industrial assessment notices.
For specific assessment information please contact the Town of Edson Assessor:
Compass Assessment Consultants Inc.
Aaron Steblyk
Phone: 1-800-251-9711
Fax: (780) 466-5406
Assessor email
For all inquiries regarding your property tax and school support contact:
Tax Clerk Phone: (780) 723-4401
Fax: (780) 723-8617
Tax Clerk email