A former Canadian Northern Station was moved to its present site in Edson’s Centennial Park in 1975 and operated as the Galloway Station Museum beginning in July, 1981. In 2011, the facility was completely renovated and expanded to include a larger exhibit space and a visitor information centre. The museum, operated by the Edson and District Historical Society, features two grizzly bears in a turf war, a cougar looking over your shoulder ... and what is that smell? Freshly cut timber?
The Galloway Station Museum offers that kind of up close and personal glimpse into our region's natural world and more. Visit the life-sized trapper's cabin, enter a mine shaft, experience life in a tie camp, learn about Edson’s genuine wild western past, investigate artifacts from the Grande Trunk Pacific Canadian Northern and Canadian National Railways … and do it all without leaving the building!
The Galloway Station Museum and Travel Centre is an elegant, well-equipped facility, clearly visible and easily accessible from Highway 16 both east and west bound and is an ideal place for locals and travellers alike to take a break, stretch their legs and relax for a few moments ... or a few hours.
Facility Rentals
The facility is available to rent and has a wonderful coffee bar, information kiosk, fully equipped kitchen, free wireless Internet access and longer operating hours in the summer months.
Cool time lapse video of the final install at the Museum. Thanks Heavy Industries!