Edson Town Council

Edson Town Council is made up of 6 Councillors and 1 Mayor. The Mayor and Council serve a four-year term with the last election being help in October of 2021. The Deputy Mayor position rotates between the Councillors every 4 months.
Edson Town Council 2021-2025
- Mayor Kevin Zahara
- Councillor Krystal Cacka
- Councillor Trevor Bevan
- Councillor Gean Chouinard
- Councillor Ed Moore
- Councillor Greg Pasychny
- Councillor Peter Taylor
Full bio and contact information can be found on our Council and Meeting Portal.
Council Strategic Plan

Within the full list of strategies that appear in the strategic plan, Council has created a subset of five ‘high’ ranked strategies. The items on this list reflect the priorities that Council saw as both important and timely.
The priorities for 2022-25 include:
- Work with partners to seek long-term solutions that address addictions, transitional housing, homelessness, and mental health.
- Work with regional partners to develop a plan to meet the infrastructure and operational cost requirements of the Regional Multiplex.
- Identify and prioritize infrastructure needs and associated cost impacts.
- Plan infrastructure that will accommodate population and economic growth.
- Continue to build relationships with stakeholders external to the Town of Edson; including community groups, the business community, and Yellowhead County.
View the full Council Strategic Plan here - Council Strategic Plan 2022-2025
Meeting Schedule
The Council meeting schedule has been adopted as follows:
Regular Meetings of Council to be held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, in the Council Chambers, commencing at 7:00 P.M.
Committee of the Whole meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month in the Council Chambers, commencing at 7:00 P.M.
The following meetings will be cancelled: December 19, 2023 (winter break); January 2, 2024 (winter break); July 2, 2024 (summer break); July 9, 2024 (summer break), August 6, 2024 (summer break); and August 13, 2023 (summer break).
The January 9, 2024, Committee of the Whole meeting has also been cancelled and replaced with a regular Meeting of Council at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers.
More meeting details, including meeting agendas, can be found on our Council and Meeting Portal
All Council Meetings take place in the Council Chambers at the Edson Civic Centre unless noted otherwise. Meetings are also live streamed on the Town of Edson YouTube Channel, Facebook Live, or at www.edson.ca/live.
Make a Presentation to Council
If you would like to request to present to Council, please complete both pages of the request form (linked below) and submit it to Legislative Services at legislativeservices@edson.ca or 605 50 St, PO Box 6300, Edson AB, T7E1T7.
You will be contacted upon receipt of your request to schedule your presentation, as well as to address any outstanding
matters. Contact legislativeservices@edson.ca or (780) 723-4401 ext. 104, should you have any questions.