Government Roles and Responsibilities

Government Roles and Responsibilities

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There are three distinct levels of government in Canada: municipal, provincial (or territorial), and federal.

All levels of government have important roles in the lives of Canadians. While there is some overlap in funding and grants for certain programs, such as Family and Support Services, each level of government is ultimately responsible for very specific portfolios. As we head into a Federal and Municipal election in 2025, it’s important to understand the different responsibilities of each level of government.

Click on the chart for more details!

While the Town of Edson is not responsible for some of the items listed above, we do advocate on behalf of our residents to other levels of government to ensure our voices are heard and that there is appropriate funding in place.

Residents are also encouraged to reach out to their federal MP (Member of Parliament) or provincial MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) if they have concerns about federal or provincial programs or areas of responsibility.

Municipal government (

Municipal governments and governed by the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and are responsible for establishing bylaws and delivering services that support the municipality. This includes maintaining local roads, establishing protective services like fire and community peace officers, snow removal, waste management, maintenance of park spaces, and more.

Provincial government (

Provincial or territorial governments, have the authority to make decisions which affect the entire province or territory. This includes items like healthcare and hospitals, affordable housing, homeless supports, provincial taxes, and maintenance of highways (including Highway 16 through our community).

Federal government (

The Federal Government has a responsibility for items that affect the entire country, such as the national defense, the Supreme Court, federal income tax, employment insurance, postal service, airports, and passports.