Green Initiatives and Environmental Impact
This section will highlight some of the green initiatives the Town of Edson is working on, as well as the environmental benefits to some current systems the Town has in place.
This lines up with Council's Strategic Priorities of a Vibrant and Healthy Community.
- Recognizing our role in environmental stewardship and creating plans and policies which support responsible practices, including procurement, energy conservation and the three Rs.
Check back often as we'll be updating as new projects come online!
Climate Risk Assessment

A Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Study was conducted for the Town of Edson in 2023, which was funded through an $80,000 grant from the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre’s Climate Resilience Capacity Building Program.
The purpose of the report is to expand the Town’s understanding on how municipal assets, infrastructure, and operations are vulnerable to climate change and make recommendations on how to mitigate those risks.
A total of 632 risks were identified across the seven asset systems over three climate periods. Administration and operations centres, comprised largely of built assets, had the largest number of risks, followed by ecological assets and parks and recreation and community centres. These three asset systems were also identified as being highly vulnerable.
Administration and Operations Centres had the largest number of high risks associated with extreme heat, extreme cold affecting the building controls, HVAC and air handling systems.
The highest risks identified were caused by extreme cold impacts on the water storage,
treatment and conveyance system and wildfires on the ecological assets and parks.
Intense rainfall resulted in a high risk to the stormwater and drainage conveyance system, which can overload the system resulting in severe flooding in the Town.
Recommendations included
- Incorporate Climate Considerations into Key Levels of Decision-making
- Continually Monitor and Improve Climate Projections and Expectations
- Assess Climate-Resiliency for Infrastructure
- Build and Develop Climate-Based Communication and Collaboration Opportunities
- Develop an Implementation Plan
See the full report below.
Edson Sustainability Series
Check out our video series on sustainability, where we explore impacts globally and here at home.

Low-Cost, Big Savings
Edson's Municipal Energy Coordinator Brendan Riome has been working hard to reduce emissions and create efficiencies in a number of Town of Edson facilities.
Despite a limited budget, he's made some great strides and has been featured in a Case Study for the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre. Read the full Report by following the link below!

The Town of Edson was excited to partner with the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre to implement the Municipal Energy Manager Program. Through the program, the Town worked towards decreasing its greenhouse gas emissions, reducing utility costs, and continuing to build an organizational culture that values environmental, economic, and social sustainability. The program ended in July and proved to be extremely valuable, allowing the Town to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 32% compared to 2019 levels and save nearly $100,000 per year in saved utility costs.
The final report from the program is now available to read.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- In 2022 the Municipal Energy Coordinator implemented 3 major projects:
- Installed a high efficiency boiler in the Civic Centre to replace the existing, low-efficiency unit
- Upgrading lighting in the Civic Centre and Public Works Shop to LEDs
- Combined, the projects will reduce Town emissions by 45 tonnes per year, reduce utility costs, and greatly improve the indoor comfort and quality of the buildings
Electric Vehicle Charging
- Options for electric vehicle charging are increasing in Edson. Level 2 and 3 charging is now available from several local businesses:
- Canadian Tire (5919 2 Avenue) – Level 2 and 3 charging
- Tesla Supercharger and Flo Charger (4523 4 Avenue) – Level 3 charging
- Edson Guest House Inn (4411 4 Avenue) - Level 2 Tesla chargers
- Leo’s Kitchen (4340 2 Avenue) – Level 2 Tesla chargers
- More information on EV charging in Edson and surrounding area can be found here:
- To build a culture of environmental, economic, and social sustainability, the Town of Edson Energy Manger hosted a series of webinars for the Town that cover sustainability and energy management topics. The Edson Sustainability Series is available on our YouTube Channel. (

The Town of Edson is well known for being leaders in waste management practices. From our curbside waste/organics program, to our excellent recycling program, Edson remains committed to the environment through good waste management practices and facilities.
Curbside Organics Program
In 2018, Edson started a curbside cart collection program. Under the program, organic materials such as food and yard waste are collected separately from other residential waste materials in green curbside bins provided by GFL Environmental Inc. This material is then hauled to the CLEANIT GREENIT COMPOSTING SYSTEM INC’s facility in Edmonton.
This has helped increase Edson's waste diversion rates, keeping organics out of the landfill. This will help in extending the life of the landfill, as well as reducing the Town's environmental impact.

The Town of Edson has brought in a mattress recycling program to help keep old mattresses out of the landfill.
As a part of the ‘Vibrant & Healthy Community’ pillar in Council’s Strategic Plan, the Town of Edson has committed to implement new environmental initiatives, including increased waste diversion.
Beginning in late June 2020, all mattresses taken to the Town of Edson Landfill were diverted and hauled to a recycling facility in Edmonton. This program was funded in part from a $20 surcharge per mattress.
A total of 252 mattresses were diverted from landfill and recycled in 2020. This is equivalent to approximately 6,300 kgs of material.
On average (by weight), an estimated 80% of material from mattresses can be recycled. This includes wood, plastics, metal and foam. The average weight of all-sized mattresses is 55 lbs.
Wood is sent for shredding and composting; foam used to manufacture carpet under-pad; steel is milled into rebar and angle iron; plastics (LDPE) are sent to local recyclers.
Box springs are not included in the surcharge and are not associated with this program. They will continue to be included with other construction and demolition material at the landfill site.
Should you have questions or require further information regarding this program, or any other waste management program or service, please contact Public Works at (780) 723-6461.

The Town of Edson runs on a well system for potable water. Currently there are 11 wells with 9 actively supplying water.
For more information on the well system and treatment of the water, please visit our Water and Sewer Section.
While we do draw water from the aquifer, the environmental benefits to a well system are the reduction in chemicals for treatment and a reduction in power consumption compared to traditional treatment facilities.

The Town of Edson is committed to providing the best quality water possible, and to maintaining a steady supply for our residential, business, and emergency needs.
Currently the Town of Edson is on a well system with a steady supply of potable water. With that said, water conservation is key when it comes to long term supply and water management, particularly during warm weather conditions.
To help achieve this goal the Town of Edson is:
- Compiling and reviewing annual data on domestic, commercial and industrial water use.
- Developing a Water Management Plan, including provisions for drought conditions and fire protection.
- Continuing the development and expansion of the Town's well system to increase the water capacity.
- Using non-potable water (where possible and practical) for items like street sweeping/cleaning, watering plants, etc.
- Maintaining an odd/even address watering system for the community.
What you can do to help:
- Utilize toilet tank leak test kits
- Monitor and reduce kitchen and bathroom water use
- Use shower head flow reducers
- Eco-friendly appliances
- Maintain a low water lawn
- Most lawns only require about 1 inch of water per week
- Peak time for watering lawns in early in the morning to reduce evaporation
-Over-watering is not conducive to a good root system
Odd/Even Watering System
To help maintain levels in our reservoirs, we ask all residents to maintain an odd/even lawn watering scheduled through the summer months.
Last number of the building address - 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 - please water on odd numbered days.
Last number of the building address - 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 - please water on even numbered days.
Hand watering landscaping and watering gardens with a hose is allowed any time.
For further information on water conservation measures please contact the Town of Edson – Operations at 780-723-6461.

Edson's new Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) came online in 2019. This facility was required following some testing and regulatory changes. For background information and more details on the plant, please visit our Water and Sewer Section.
The new WWTP includes:
- Pumping capacity for up to 32 million liters of wastewater per day
- Primary screens and wash press to remove rags, large rocks, and other plastic debris from the waste stream
- Grit removal system
- Two combined treatment units, allowing one to be taken out of service for cleaning
- Aeration equipment
- Onsite lab
Some key environmental benefits of the new WWTP:
- Ammonia was reduced from levels as high as 35 mg/L in 2009/2010 study to continuously below 5 mg/L under the new operating approval.
- Effluent pH on average has been reduced.
- Town of Edson has been passing the LC50 testing, which is a direct measure of impact to aquatic life. This was not always the case under the previous system.

The Town of Edson is hoping to spearhead a network of electric vehicle charging stations that would connect electric vehicles users to our region and beyond. Council has been presented with information regarding a proposed Northwest Electric Vehicle Charging Network and general support has been given to start moving forward with the project.
At this stage, Council is submitting letters to gauge support and seek seed funding for the project from other municipalities in the area. Below is a map of current and proposed sites.
It’s hoped that a regional approach, as has been proved successful in other areas, will help ease the burden on individual communities, help build strong relationships, increase regional tourism, and create new economic opportunities.
The full presentation can be downloaded here for more details. (Northwest Electric Vehicle Charging Network Presentation)
As part of the Town of Edson's commitment to good environmental stewardship, new policies and procedures are being developed to keep the environment top of mind for Town projects.
- We are currently undergoing an enhancement of the Town's purchasing and procurement policy, including the development and provision of a purchasing guide to assess more sustainable and environmentally friendly products.
- Continuing effort to review our own practices, as well as practices of other communities to find the most efficient and environmentally friendly and sustainable ways to conduct business.
- Looking into development of an online product/environmental sustainability assessment tool for town staff, businesses and the public.
The Town of Edson is currently developing a new fleet management model. This means moving to a risk and condition-based assessment replacement program for all fleet units versus traditional tangible capital asset process. In other words, rather than just replacing units at specified times, vehicles and equipment will be evaluated on an ongoing basis and replaced at the true end of life.
Along with extending the life of equipment, purchasing considerations will include consideration for eco-friendly models and options to reduce carbon foot-printing.