Returning Youth Councillors: Maya Dalueg, Emy Falardeau, Olivia Hemsley, Daniel Palisoc, Calleigh Martin, Hannah Preville, Nolan Taylor, Monica Villasor, and Kwan Yun
New Youth Councillors: Christina Belcourt, Lexa Neighbours, Kaylee Strathern
What is it?
The Edson Youth Council will consist of up to 12 youth. They will work closely with two Town Councillors, and have administrative support from a Community Development Coordinator.
The purpose of Youth Council is to provide Youth with a platform to let their voices to be heard and to have a positive impact. It will provide Youth with better opportunities to become connected and meaningfully involved in their community.
What is required of Council members?
Members of Youth Council will be required to attend monthly meetings, represent youth perspectives on issues at these meetings, volunteer at community events, and work with Town Council representatives to address youth needs in the community. Meetings are the first Monday of every month at 5 pm held in Council Chambers at the Town Office.
What are the benefits of being on Youth Council?
Benefits include a $500 bursary towards post-secondary education for every year of participation, the opportunity to learn about Local Government and how it affects them, and the opportunity to make an impact in their community while making Edson a better place for Youth. Did we also mention free pizza at meetings?
Who can apply?
Any youth living or attending school in Edson between the ages of 13 and 18.
How do I apply? Applications for the next term will be accepted between mid-April and September 19th, 2025.
Fill out the application form below and have two references fill out reference forms. These can both be filled, saved and emailed to dianai@edson.ca or printed and written copies will also be accepted at the Town Office.
Youth Council's Green Initiatives

Youth Council takes a special interest in environmental awareness and has created a presentation for your information to promote a healthier planet and give instructions in how to plant a spruce sapling. They will be giving away over 500 saplings this year through a generous donation from Weyerhaeuser.
Click HERE for a link to the presentation.