Emergency Assistance and Supports
Posted onMany residents have asked about the immediate supports available as we encounter some of the financial implications of the evacuation and re-entry. The following resources are available to assist residents in need:
- The Edson Food Bank has food available to anyone who needs it. For a diversity of dietary requirements, please call 780.725.3185 to book an appointment. 14-day food hampers are available.
- Income support and AISH clients should contact their caseworkers to discuss potential financial supports.
- In certain circumstances, Alberta Supports may be able to provide immediate-term emergency assistance. Note that certain means-tested eligibility requirements apply. For more information, contact the Edson Alberta Supports Centre at 780.723.8317 or visit the Provincial Building at 111 54 St. Additional information may be found at https://www.alberta.ca/emergency.aspx.