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EFD PRESS RELEASE - Structure Fire Westhaven

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On Wednesday March 26th, at 1344hrs, Edson Fire Department was dispatched for a reported structure fire on an apartment balcony in the Westhaven area.

Edson Fire Department responded with two command vehicles, two engines, a heavy rescue, and a utility apparatus. Mutual aid was requested from Yellowhead County Fire, who responded with a command unit, an engine, and a ladder truck. Extensive support was provided by Atco, Fortis, Town of Edson Public Works and Utilities, Town of Edson Community Peace Officers, RCMP, EMS, and Town of Edson Community Services which played a vital role in activating and employing Emergency Social Services supports for impacted residents.

The first arriving fire officer found a working fire on a second story balcony, extending to the third story balcony, and into the common attic space. The first arriving engine deployed an attack line to third floor to stop forward ingress of the fire to the apartments, as well as control the fire in the attic space. The first arriving engine also deployed a handline to the exterior for control of exterior fire spread. Following that,  apparatuses conducted a variety of tasks including a second interior handline deployed to the second floor, vertical ventilation, primary and secondary searches, and animal rescue/retrieval. There was substantial fire extension into the common attic space which was controlled from interior positions. Numerous animals, estimated between 8-10, were removed by emergency crews and reunited with owners by aid of Community Peace Officers.

The area of the building that encountered the fire has been severely damaged. Residents are expected to be displaced for an undetermined amount of time. If access is required to gather personal belongings, residents must contact property management or ownership, as the fire department is not holding security of the scene.

Residents should reach out to their contents/tenant insurance provider. If residents require further assistance, they are encouraged to reach out to Red Cross at 1-888-800-6493. Red Cross may provide assistance for the first 72 hours following the incident.

The Edson Fire Department would like to thank all the supporting agencies who played a role in the quick mitigation of this incident.