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Council Notes - June 18, 2024

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Council Notes - June 18, 2024 

Youth Council Delegation. Members of Youth Council gave their year-end report, including accomplishments and highlights from this term. Of note was their work on homelessness and volunteerism in the community. 

Development Authority Bylaw. Three (3) readings have been given to Bylaw 2302, Development Authority Bylaw. This is a procedural bylaw that provides the Chief Administrative Officer the authorization to appoint staff as the Development Authority, as is the current practice in many municipalities. The Development Officer, Planning Manager, and General Manager of Corporate Services are all identified as the Development Authority within the bylaw.  

Subdivision Authority Bylaw. Council has passed all three (3) readings of Bylaw 2303, Subdivision Authority Bylaw. This bylaw names the Chief Administrative Office as the Subdivision Authority, as is common practice. This adjustment will reduce processing times for applications. 

Fees and Charges Amending Bylaw. Three (3) readings were given to Bylaw 2284, Fees and Charges Amending Bylaw. The amendment is to include two (2) new application fees related to the Rural Renewal Stream Program, which is anticipated to begin in late June, if approval is granted. The employer application fees are set at $500 for businesses and $250 for non-profits.

Economic Development Strategy. Council has approved the Economic Development Strategy. The main strategic directions include supporting local businesses and laying the groundwork for investment readiness. For the remainder of 2024, the focus is formalizing and enhancing local business retention and expansion while developing regional partnerships, increasing communication levels with local businesses, and defining and integrating clear paths to community investment. 

Snow and Ice Control Update. Council accepted an update on this past winter’s Snow and Ice Control program as information. It was noted that this past season was relatively mild in comparison to previous seasons and crews were able to keep within the timelines outlined in the Snow and Ice Control Policy. 

Property Tax Waiver Request. A request for property tax exemptions has been denied by Council for three (3) properties impacted by fire earlier this year. A motion to approve the waiver was defeated in a recorded vote with Mayor Zahara voting for, and the rest of Council voting against.

Special Meeting. A Special Meeting of Council has been scheduled for June 24, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the Edson Civic Centre for the presentation of the 2023 Audited Financial Statements. 

Information Items. Council has accepted the Community Rail Advocacy Alliance May monthly roundup and executive meeting meetings as information.

FCM Conference Reporting. Council members that attended the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference in Calgary this month gave a report on their lessons learned and interesting items from the event.  

Next meetings – The next Town Council Meeting is scheduled for June 24, 2024, at 7:00 pm, in Council Chambers (Special Meeting).

Agenda/Information package HERE

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