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Automated Traffic Enforcement Clarification

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Original release and clarification below.


The Town of Edson has suspended the Automated Traffic Enforcement Program (ATE), effective immediately.

Following the recent announcement of upcoming new ATE regulations by the Provincial Government, The Town of Edson has moved forward with the cancellation of the ATE program in our community.

In an effort to help educate motorists to slow down, along with regular traffic enforcement, Council has directed that a letter be sent to the Province requesting permission to install permanent speed indicator signs at both entrances to the community, as well as the east-bound lane of the overpass. Current regulations only allow for the signs to be temporary.

The removal of ATE by the Provincial Government will undoubtedly increase the risk of serious collisions on Highway 16 through Edson but we respect their decision.  If traffic safety is a priority, they will grant the Town of Edson approval forthwith to install permanent speed indicator signs which they have not allowed in the past.  Motorists can expect to see more traditional traffic enforcement by Edson RCMP and Town of Edson Peace Officers along the highway and in school and construction zones.
-Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara

Traffic Safety remains a Town priority, and all efforts will be made to find capacity to continue proactive policing and patrols of our community, especially in playground zones throughout the school year. The highway corridor will also remain a focus as traffic statistics have shown it to be one of the areas with the highest speeds and most violations occurring.

Questions regarding the ATE program can be directed to the Town’s Protective Services Department at 780-723-3178.         


Further to this release regarding the suspension of the Automated Traffic Enforcement (ATE) program in Edson, there are a few points we’d like to clarify regarding the timeline and future enforcement plans.

At the end of the day Friday, November 29, the Town of Edson was notified by the Province that, effective December 2, 2024, there is an immediate expectation of municipalities to remove any sites that do not comply with new ATE guidelines.

Upon the Provincial announcement, the Town of Edson’s ATE contractor notified the Town they are suspending operations to evaluate the regulations and how to move forward with a viable service.

Considering these factors, the use of ATE is not an available alternative, therefore, the Town of Edson made the decision to cease all ATE operations in the community and proceed with other primary approaches to traffic enforcement.

Moving forward, residents can expect more regular patrols, in-person enforcement, and use of speed indicator signs for education and gathering statistical data.

We understand there are mixed feelings on photo enforcement and we thank the public for their understanding through this transition period.