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Water Ban / ECC Activation

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Edson, Alberta, May 5th, 2023 (12:20) – The Town of Edson has activated our Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC) and are actively monitoring the wildfire situation in our area. There is currently no risk to our community, but the ECC is active and making preparations in the event situations change. Monitor www.edson.ca, the Town of Edson social media pages, and local media for updates.

Water Ban

Water restrictions are being put in place for the Town of Edson. The dry, hot weather and outside firefighting operations has caused a drop in reservoir levels. To maintain reservoir levels we are instituting our high alert water ban.

The restrictions in place now include:

  • Spray Park – remains closed.
  • All outdoor water use is prohibited.
  • Bulk Water hauling suspended.
  • Other conservation measures as needed.

For more information on our water supply system, visit www.edson.ca/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer

Power Consumption

Residents are being asked to conserve power where possible as well at this time in anticipation of power supply disruptions due to the wildfires.

Air Quality

The air quality in the Edson area is at a very high-risk level. The general population should reduce or reschedule strenuous activities outdoors, especially if you experience symptoms such as coughing and throat irritation. At-risk population should avoid strenuous activities outdoors. Children and the elderly should also avoid outdoor physical exertion.

https://weather.gc.ca/airquality/pages/abaq-020_e.html for more information.

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