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Reception Centre Information

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Our reception centre is set up at the Edmonton Expo Centre (7515 118 Ave NW, Edmonton). You don’t need to go to the centre if you have other accommodations, but it is available for those in need. Food and services are available to all evacuees, regardless if you’re staying at the reception centre. They offer the following on-site:

  • Bedding, cots and pillows for overnight stays.
  • Self-serve continental breakfast items, snacks and fruit are available throughout the day.
  • For all evacuees, lunch is available from 11 am-2 pm and supper from 4pm-7pm.
  • Play area with toys for children.
  • Clothing and toiletries.

The following supports and information are also available at the reception centre in Edmonton:

  • Evacuee registration.
  • Assistance in applying for financial supports.
  • Help determining what your insurance coverage is.
  • AHS is on site offering mental health supports.
  • Red Cross is conducting needs assessments and providing hotel rooms to those who qualify.
  • AMA can help with all insurance related questions.
  • Even pet care is available whether you’re on site or off site.

We want to take this opportunity to thank the City of Edmonton, and all of the various agencies for their help ensuring our residents are well taken care of during their stay.

We’ve also been hearing of many Edmonton businesses and attractions offering free or discounted services for our evacuees and that is very much appreciated. Thank you!