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Council Notes - October 18th, 2022

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Council Notes October 4th, 2022

Community Futures. Nancy Robbins of Community Futures West Yellowhead presented to Council on the group’s struggles and successes through the pandemic. She also provided Council with an update on the Edson Small Business Loan Program, which was very well utilized. More details on the program can be found at https://westyellowhead.albertacf.com/edson-small-business-loan.

Fee Assistance. Council has approved the revised Community Services Fee Assistance Program Policy. The Leisure Assist Pilot Program was launched during the COVID-19 pandemic and designed to provide financial assistance to allow more access to Town programming. The policy has been adjusted to include Yellowhead County as a partner in the project, expanding eligibility to County residents, as well as some general adjustments to expand access to the assistance program.

Yellowhead AG Society Funding Request. Council has approved a funding request of $100,000 for the Yellowhead Agricultural Society for facility repair and mold abatement. The funding will be drawn from the Revenue Sharing Reserve. Council has also directed administration to request some form of recognition in the facility for the financial contribution.

West Yellowhead Regional Waste Management Authority. Approval has been given by Council to allow the MD of Greenview into the West Yellowhead Regional Waste Management Authority.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades. Council has directed Administration to apply to the Alberta Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership for a total project cost of $3,150,000, for the completion of upgrades to the Town’s Wastewater Treatment Plant to comply with regulatory requirements. As requirements necessitating these upgrades were implemented after construction started on this Provincially mandated facility, Council requested that a letter be provided to the Environment Minister outlining the Town’s concerns with the additional costs regarding the Wastewater Treatment Plant, and urging provincial support to help fund this project.

New Grader Purchase. The purchase of a new grader unit for the road maintenance program has been approved by Council. The equipment is expected to cost around $550,000 and will be funded through the Revenue Sharing Reserve. The second grader will supplement the road maintenance program and act as a backup to keep snow removal active if one unit has a mechanical failure.

ATCO Franchise Fee. Council has adjusted the ATCO Franchise Fee from 20% to 22.54%. The Franchise Fee Revenue Policy outlines how the Franchise Fee rates will be set annually to maintain budgeted fee revenues, adjusted for inflation. Adjusting for inflation, the budgeted revenue for 2023 will be $675,300, compared to $640,900 in 2022.

Fortis Alberta Franchise Fee. Council has adjusted the Fortis Alberta Franchise Fee from 4.75% to 4.91%. The Franchise Fee Revenue Policy outlines how the Franchise Fee rates will be set annually to maintain budgeted fee revenues, adjusted for inflation. Adjusting for inflation, the budgeted revenue for 2023 will $419,370, compared to $398,000 in 2022.

Quarterly Report. Council has accepted the 2022 September Quarterly Report as presented.

Next meetings - The next Council meeting is scheduled for November 1st, 2022, at 7:00 pm. The next Committee of the Whole meeting is scheduled for November 8th, 2022, at 7:00 pm.

Agenda/Information package HERE

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