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Council Notes - March 7th, 2023

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Council Notes - March 7th, 2023

Delegation. Council has received a request for utility bill forgiveness. Information was passed on to Administration for further review and recommendation.

Bylaw Enforcement Officer Bylaw. Council has given all three readings to the Bylaw 2290. This repeals and replaces the current Peace Officer Bylaw to better align with other municipalities, clarify responsibilities and procedures, and allow the Chief Administrative Officer to appoint Bylaw Enforcement Officers. It also provides clarity by referring explicitly to the role of “Bylaw Enforcement Officer” as per the Municipal Government Act. Bylaw Enforcement Officers have the authority to enforce Town bylaws only and are appointed at the discretion of the municipality. The Town of Edson currently has a Community Peace Officer (CPO) Level 1, which is a separate designation granted by the Province and is automatically authorized to enforce local bylaws as well as many provincial statutes.

Budget Meetings and Engagement. Council has set a number of dates/meetings for the 2024 budget process.

  • Aug 15, 2023 – (Pre-Budget Council Discussion)
  • Sept 9, 2023 – 9am-3pm (Full Day Budget Workshop)
  • Sept 25, 2023 – 7pm (Council Budget Meeting)
  • Oct 24, 2023 – 7pm (Council Budget Meeting)
  • Nov 28, 2023 – 7pm (Council Budget Meeting)
  • December 5, 2023 – 7pm (Final Budget Presented)

The Citizen Budget engagement tool will be open for 3 weeks in April and May this year. This survey will be available at Town facilities, as well as online, with links being sent out in utility bills at the beginning of May. The survey will also be set up at the Edson Trade Show on April 28-29, 2023.

Meeting Cancellation. The March 14, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting has been cancelled as there are no items currently requiring attention at that time.

Rural Renewal Stream. Council received a report on the Rural Renewal Stream Program as information. The program aims to attract and retain newcomers to our community, address needs for skilled and unskilled labor, and bolster economic development and growth. It has been very successful in Edson with 20 employers expressing interest to date, 19 employer applications, and 8 letters of endorsement completed. For more information on the program, visit the business section of our website at www.edson.ca/business.  

Recycling Contract. Council directed Administration to work with the Edson and District Recycling Society and Yellowhead County for an extension of the Recycling Contract for up to two years.

Next meeting - The next Council meeting is scheduled for March 21st, 2023, at 7:00 pm.

Agenda/Information package HERE

App users view the video HERE