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Council Notes - March 15th, 2022

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Council Notes - March 15th, 2022

Assessment Presentation. Aaron Steblyk of Compass Assessments gave a presentation to Council regarding the Town’s 2021 assessment. Overall, Edson has seen a modest 2.42% assessment increase. Market value gains make up a majority of the change.

Development Permit. Council has approved a Development Permit Application for the property at 5101 3rd Avenue. A change of use permit was required upon discovery of a lapsed temporary development permit in a Direct Control Zone. Council approved the development permit and removed the paving requirement with the understanding that this is an existing building, and no major changes were occurring.

Grant Funding. Council has directed Administration to apply to the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre’s Climate Resilience Capacity Building Program Grant. The grant request will be for $160,000 and go towards the Climate Risk Assessment and Water Conservation projects if successful.

Glenwood Park Upgrades. Council has amended the 2022 Capital Budget to include the Glenwood Park Upgrade project in the amount of $435,000. $108,750 is to be funded from the Revenue Sharing Reserve and $326,250 from a grant. The upgrade project includes the replacement of the existing outdoor arena structure to create a space for year-round recreational opportunities. It’s expected to be complete by the fall.

Seniors Transportation Funding. Administration has been directed to enter into negotiations on a 3-year funding agreement with the Edson Seniors Transportation Society (ESTS) in the amount of $66,000 per year. Currently the Town of Edson provides ESTS a $16,000 grant for fuel and insurance, as well as a $15,500 Transportation Grant.

Petition Report. Council has accepted a petition declaration report as information. On February 14th, 2022, a petition regarding the Restriction Exemption Program (REP) was received with the stated purpose of removing the REP and replacing is with 1/3 capacity restriction, masking, and social distancing OR a combination of both the REP for adult activities and 1/3 capacity, masking, and distancing for children’s activities. As of February 9, 2022, the Restrictions Exemption Program was no longer in force at a provincial or municipal level. The petition was also found to be insufficient as per ss. 222, 223, 224, and 225 of the Municipal Government Act.

Next meetings - The next Council meeting is scheduled for April 5th, 2022, at 7:00 pm. The next Committee of the Whole meeting is April 12th, 2022, at 7:00 pm.

Agenda/Information package HERE

App users view the video HERE