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2023 Budget Adjustments

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Council has passed the 2023 final budget. There is no change to the tax increase passed in the Interim Budget in December.

Council recognizes the immense pressures being felt by the public at this time and have worked hard to balance the need to keep costs to a minimum with the challenges faced by all departments with external pressures. Roads and infrastructure continue to be a key focus of Edson Council, while also adding recreational opportunities and other services for families.

“It was important for Council and Administration to strive to work within the budget passed in December. We’re facing many challenges with inflation, rising gas and electricity prices, and continued provincial and federal downloading. We also understand that our residents are facing many of the same challenges. With that in mind, we’ve worked hard to find a balance between needed services and overall costs for our taxpayers.”

-Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara

The total operating expenditures, including requisitions, are $30,076,602, and the total taxation to be generated is $12,986,038.

The overall operational increase is 5.79% to deal with the pressures, provincial downloading, and increased service levels.  An additional 2.46% (COVID Recovery) is the final amount needed to make up for the 5% decrease in taxes during the pandemic for a total tax increase of 8.25%.

Capital Budget

Council has also approved the revised 2023 Capital Budget. Changes include the deferral of the powerline burial project on 46 Street, Stormwater Asset Condition Study, and Reservoir Retrofit to future years. There were also additional projects added since the Interim Budget was approved in December. They include:

  • $100,000 towards Civic Centre Renovations
  • $550,000 for a Komatsu Grader (Purchased and in operation)
  • $2,600,000 for full rehabilitation of 18 Avenue (48-49 Street)
  • $65,000 for design of full rehabilitation of 8 Avenue (51-52 Street)
  • $55,000 to purchase a forklift for the airport
  • $37,777 in Landfill scale upgrades
  • $187,005 towards the Vision Park Well & Washroom
  • $65,000 for a Trash Pump

A number of other project budgets were adjusted as costs were finalized. The 1st Avenue (48-54 Street) Design, 54 Street Sanitary Sewer Upgrade, and Foodbank Roof Project had significant reductions in budget as they won’t be fully completed in 2023.  

Other major projects in the 2023 Capital Budget include:

  • $20,000,000 in grant funding towards the YCE Multi-Use Facility
  • $1,744,967 for Vision Park Phase 1
  • $1,893,150 for the Wase Creek Project
  • $3,000,000 towards the Library Renovation Project
  • $131,415 for highway crossing lights
  • $400,000 for general road repairs

The total Capital Budget amounts to $34,633,712, funded 26.6% from reserves, 1.7% from cost-sharing, and 71.7% from grants.

For more details on the 2023 Budget, and the full list of capital projects, please visit www.edson.ca/budget.