Engage Edson

Public feedback is important to the Town of Edson Council and Administration. Periodic surveys will help us get a better understanding of the needs and wants of our community.

Check back often for new surveys and engagement opportunities, as well as the results from recent engagements.

And watch for our survey kiosks returning soon to the Edson and District Library, Town Office, and the Edson and District Leisure Centre!

Have Your Say on Edson’s Community Events!

The Town of Edson is looking for your feedback on community events! Whether you’ve attended past events or have ideas for future programming, we want to hear from you.

This short survey will help us improve event planning, accessibility, and engagement opportunities to better serve our residents. Your input ensures that community events continue to reflect the interests and needs of Edson and the surrounding area.

The survey will be open from March 7 to March 21, 2025, and all responses will be kept confidential. The results will help guide future events, ensuring they remain fun, inclusive, and meaningful for our community.

Take the survey today and have your voice heard!

Shaping Edson’s Housing Future: We Need Your Input

We are now in Phase 2: Developing Housing Actions, and community input is essential to ensure the strategy reflects local priorities.

How to Participate (March 10–March 31, 2025)

  • Complete the Online Survey Here
  • Request a Printed Survey – Email ecdev@edson.ca or call 780-723-4401
  • Attend the Community Workshop:
    • Thursday, March 27, 2025
    • Edson & District Public Library (Presented by Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.)
    • 3:30 – 6:30 PM

Your feedback will shape the final Housing Strategy and Implementation Plan to ensure Edson’s future housing meets community needs.

For more information, contact:
Morgan Roberts, Economic Development Officerecdev@edson.ca

Results of Phase One can be found here: Edson Housing Strategy Glossary

Community Grant Policy Review – Public Feedback Needed

The Town of Edson is reviewing its Community Grant Program and is seeking public input. Proposed changes aim to improve accessibility, efficiency, and fairness in funding distribution. If you have experience with the grant process or suggestions for improvement, we encourage you to complete our short survey.

This survey is now Closed; our findings will be available soon. 

Thank you to residents that took the time to attend the information session and/or fill out the parking survey for the YCE Multiplex project. The feedback we received is invaluable and will be taken into consideration as the final parking plans are developed. Further options stemming from the engagement are being explored before site plans are finalized.

The Town of Edson is reviewing its Animal Control Bylaw (No. 2140, enacted July 15, 2014) to address evolving community needs and animal welfare standards. 

Thank you for completing our survey on this matter.  A report will be presented to Council at an upcoming meeting and displayed here once complete.

2025 Budget Survey Closed – Thank You for Your Input!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in the 2025 Budget Survey and joined us at our in-person engagement sessions on September 12th at the Edson and District Leisure Centre and September 19th at the Edson Art Walk.

Your feedback plays a crucial role in shaping our community’s future. Survey results and how your input will influence the upcoming budget discussions will be shared soon.

Thank you for your participation in the Wildfire Mitigation Strategy Survey!  The survey is now closed and results will be taken into consideration as the Town of Edson develops the new Community Wildfire Mitigation Strategy (CWMS).

Go To Image Link

The Land Use Bylaw (LUB) has been rewritten to guide development and shape the future of Edson. The old LUB was established in 1990 and required updating to better reflect the current contexts of Edson, while taking into consideration Edson’s unique identity and future vision as it grows.

The LUB divides the municipality into different land use districts, or “zones”, which establishes rules and regulations for development in Town, and informs decision making processes for development. 

The new Land Use Bylaw was passed at the June 4, 2024 Council Meeting and can be viewed below.


The Town of Edson is currently completing a review of recreation services and fees to ensure we are meeting the needs of the community and continuing to improve the quality of life of residents.

What is the Project?

To better understand the current and future needs and demands for recreation and parks facilities, spaces and services, the Town of Edson is undertaking a review of current recreation services policies and procedures and a review of current facility and space operations and utilization, as well as an assessment of service delivery approaches and community group partnerships. The Town has engaged the services of a recreation consulting firm, RC Strategies to support this project and to ensure that Town practices and policies are in alignment with leading practices in the recreation sector.

How to Contribute?

Throughout this project community organizations will have the opportunity to contribute and share their understanding of the recreation opportunities in Edson; as well as have the opportunity to share perspectives of current process and opportunities for change to best met the future community needs for recreation opportunities.

The project will focus on working with user groups who offer programming at the: Edson & District Leisure Centre, Vision Park Ball Diamonds, Town Ball Diamonds, Soccer Pitches, and other parks/green spaces.

Thank you for participating in the Communications Audit

The feedback collected in this survey will help form our updated Communications Plan. The results have now been presented to Council and you can view the report below.

From the results of the Audit, the 2024 Town of Edson Communications Plan was formed and presented to Council on August 20, 2024. The full report can be viewed below.


In the fall of 2021, Administration applied for a grant through the Rural Transit Solutions Fund to conduct a thorough transportation study within our community to ensure a strategic and holistic approach to any future investments in public transportation.

In July 2022, the Town received our signed agreement from Infrastructure Canada indicating we had received that grant in the amount of $45,000 to complete the transportation study.

Following a thorough RFP process, EXP was contracted to complete the study, and work began in February 2023.

It is important to note that this study only focused on transportation related to pedestrian, cycling and public transportation (ESTS).

The full report can be viewed here.

The Traffic Bylaw Modernization Project was undertaken to review, update, modernize, and consolidate all bylaws related to traffic safety to create a single all-inclusive bylaw. 

Protective Services has worked very closely with the local RCMP and internal stakeholders to ensure Bylaw No. 2291 meets the needs of the community.

The public survey is now closed and the new bylaw is now in place.

The highlights of the bylaw include:

  • Consolidation and modernization of all relevant adopted bylaws.
  • Permitting OHV use within town for the purpose of accessing lands surrounding the town, with conditions.
  • Recognition of the increased use of Town streets by trucks and designation of those streets as truck routes.
  • Clarification of the definition of “Recreational Vehicle.”

The proposed bylaw can be found below.