Automated Curbside Pickup

The Town of Edson has moved to a curbside waste collection system. GFL Environmental has been contracted to carry out the program, which is curbside, automated, household waste and organics collection.
For more information on this programs success and other environmental actions taken by the Town of Edson, visit our Green Initiatives page!
Collection Information

- Grey bins for regular household waste.
- Green bins for organics.
- Carts must be curbside before 7am on your collection day, wheels agains the curb, and arrow pointing towards the street.
- Please completely close the lids.
- Make sure there is at least one metre space in all directions around the bin.
- Bins are to be removed from the street by 11pm on pickup day.
- All pickup will be done on the front curb of homes, with the exception of homes along Highway 16, which will remain alley pickup for safety reasons.
- If there is no defined curb on your property, the bins are to be placed at the end of your driveway (on the street), or flush with the roadway.
- Snow removal does NOT impact waste collection. Please put bins out as normal, even when snow removal signs are out.

***Note the schedule changes for December in the article above***
- 2025 Waste Collection Routes and Schedule
Curbside Waste Collection List (What is and isn't accepted)
Benefits of Curbside Pickup
- Approximately 1/3 of Edson’s household waste has been found to be compostable. By diverting this from the landfill, Edson could reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 21 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per month.
- Staff are freed up for other areas.
- Costs are eliminated with repair and replacement of our garbage collection equipment.
Receiving Bins
If you have not received your new bins please contact Edson Public Works at 780-723-6461.
Mobile home parks and apartment buildings are not a part of the new program as they are currently considered commercial and have private garbage collection services.
Bins Sticking and Freezing
Generally, the bins will not experience issues with sticking or freezing (depending on the materials). The trucks are equipped with hopper cameras to ensure bins are being emptied properly.
To reduce the chance of materials being frozen or stuck inside your bin:
- Spray the inside of your bin with used cooking oil
- Line the bin with newspaper
- Use compostable bags
New Residential Dwellings
As new development occurs in the Town of Edson, GFL will deliver new bins.
Please keeps bins off the street, boulevard, or sidewalk on non-pickup days.
Store it neatly on your property, preferably in your backyard or beside a building, accessory building, or a fence.